Message from the “future” - 2020 - the year of THE LAW

Women In Law Edition 21'

Philosophy and Thought


Ziad Ali

Back in 2015, when THE LAW was a fledgling publication, we always believed that 2020 will be the year of THE LAW. We believed that it would be the year that would bring us one step closer to our end goal of being a beacon for all legal practitioners. Ironically, we used to dramatize our journey to 2020 by imaging how hard it will be to ‘navigate the apocalypse’. And here we are.

2020 may be easily dubbed the most challenging year in our collective human memory. Never have our economies, values, and cultures been in such grave danger of collapse. With an ongoing pandemic situation and global hostilities, it was unimaginable that any individual or entity could thrive. Nevertheless, people have never been so resilient and capable of overcoming challenges. For instance, legal-tech, image consultancy, and legal literature markets have become so in-demand. These markets, as the expression goes, were our winning horse to bring our clients and audience together. In just one year, THE LAW was able to expand and diversify its services and products to an unimaginable scale, covering the domestic, regional, and international scene. This expansion was directed towards the aforementioned 2020 step, the step being the creation of the voice of the industry. With such a view on the situation, we, and with confidence, can say that 2020 is the year of THE LAW.

However, as we stand proud of our beloved profession and its field, we came to a remarkable conclusion; 2020 was also the year that women’s efforts were rewarded in regards to cementing their status within the legal field, and the world, after a tiresome decade-long fight. With that in mind, THE LAW was inspired by the countless stories of women taking over, and we became confident that we can only pay tribute to these magnificent efforts by dedicating our most important publication of the year to celebrate the efforts exerted by women in the legal field throughout the past 100 years.

The future is female, and that is now more evident that ever before. Today, we are all certain that the future is going to be paved by women and men who are finding strength that was long thought to be non-existent. It will be paved by those who believe in equality and in the simple notion that genders do not diminish capabilities.

We believe that we can do our fair share by highlighting these truths. We have also dedicated this edition to serve as a reminder to every one of them. Our motives, while altruistic, are directed towards documenting realistic facts. The truth is, women need a platform to share experiences, empower others, and broadcast their achievements. By being the voice of our profession, we too are the platform for women.

Yours Truly,

Ziad Ali